WHILE1 designing component, named TSI (transport session interface), can establish a connection-oriented channel for communications between two or more entities, thus releasing applications from the physical communication mode.
TSI implies a series of communication devices, such as the following:
LANSocket on TCP/IP |
Mailbox on NETBEUI or other Microsoft protocols
TLI (UNIX only)
Netbios (int 5c) on any Microsoft protocols. |
WANAPPC on Microsoft SNA server |
HLLAPI on any systems working in 3270/5250 emulation |
SERIAL RS232 with KERMIT protocol |
With WISP (While1 Internal Serial Protocol) protocol In Raw
mode (no protocol). |

TSI is designed to export to applications a transport interface, which is completely independent from the communication system used. You will then be able to write applications regardless of the communication interface system you want to use at present or in future. In addition, the same application can be hosted by systems which use different communication methods, with no changes.
You might also use TSI if you need resilient links, in case you expect to connect clients with servers using more than one connection. You will then start concurrent connections, physically different, always using the same interface.
TSI interface semantics is rather like the Socket (BSI) interface, so it is easy to use and understand.
TSI is available on Microsoft systems: DOS,
Windows 3.11, Windows 95 and Windows NT, and on UNIX standard systems as well, such as: SCO, UnixWare, etc.
In particular situations you can still execute porting even on systems which are different from the above mentioned.
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