the measure of quality!

  • Passenger Info System

    Based on the use of a mobile phone connected via BT to the train’s board system, the application delivers audio and visual messages, such as next stop, connecting trains, further destinations, etc.

  • MPS - Mobile Parking System

    Intelligent management of parking sites. It enables the driver to use his/her mobile phone to book and pay a parking slot and to send a photo of the car’s license plate to parking area’s operator. An OCR system will perform an automatic verification.

  • ZTL - Controllo accessi in Zone a Traffico Limitato

    Access control to restricted traffic areas. It verifies access permits and performs localization either theough GPS or by cell triangulation and SIM authentication.

  • YOUSPEAKER - Sistema Audio on Demand (Prototipo)

    Created for vehicles equipped with a broadband Internet connection, the application provides audio and music on Demand.

  • CAR Diagnosis and Flash via Mobile

    Mobile diagnostic and flash system for vehicles. All details are outlined on the documentation for the X3Auto product.