the measure of quality!
New Maserati Diagnosi.

While1 has implemented a prototype of the new diagnosis system for the Modena-based car manufacturer.

The system enables the execution of basic diagnostic activities, but also the active diagnostic and the cycles. It allows the programming of updated firmware. The prototype has already been used to implement the basic diagnosis of two control units (Body Computer and Engine Control). It is seamlessly integrated with the current diagnostic system, but developed in a completely automated mode, by means of tools especially created to this purpose. The benefit will be a drastic cut-down in the time and number of cycles required for the definition of basic diagnostic.

The second part of the prototype consists in the re-programming of the control units by means of a software tool specifically developed by While1.

Based on the experience made for the Abarth system, comprehensive re-programming software has also been implemented. Developed in Java, the software provides an attractive and comfortable user interface created according to the most modern Microsoft .NET / WPF graphic and functional criteria.